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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2012 12:30am-1:00am PST

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lastly this legislation would not have been possible without the officers at the station and many neighbors and merchants that have also given voice to this process and this is valid and long overdue and colleagues i do ask for your support on this legislation. >> colleagues with can he take this in house in call. >> i'll be supporting this legislation and one aspect -- but there is a benefit that i see that happens in my district is we have a lot of people who are junk gatherers in my district and park their vehicles throughout the compel sells corior and throughout thigh neighbor and i didn't support the over size vehicle legislation because we could a mass a certain amount of sinuses -- but this legislation may require a gatherer to have a
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permanent in their vehicle and in their car and is to me, that seems a better way to bring some accountability to how the appearance of the vehicles are that blunder our neighbors and it doesn't solvent problem but it gets us a step closer and that is not the only reason i'm supporting it but i'll be backing this legislation. >> supervisor cohen. thank you the one thing that i want to assess is the $700 fees for the permit holder amortizable. >> colleagues if you contain the same house same call without an objection this item is passed item 25. >> item 25 for the valencia -- thank you this ordinance allows to operate and other -- to
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operate under conditional use third floor along the value 11 sea commercial transit district and in researching this issue we realize right now they are able to operate on the second floor with a conditional use but that is not provided for the third floor and from a policy perspective it's not clear what the -- we want for this and the further distinction and we have been carol to make sure that there is no affordable housing touched by this measure and neighbors define the types of business and is neighborhood services that can open around this corridor and so i would ask for your support, thank you. >> colleagues take this same house same call? without objection this item is passed. >> item 26 is the resident luke of holding the department of public works for disapproval and disapproval for the --
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permit. >> supervisor elsburnd. >> thank you mr. president the committee had a very good hearing for this item and i was ready to vote for it until i got a call yesterday afternoon that they had not had the opportunity to discuss the issue with the department of public works and they have asked me to ask the board for another meeting continuianance to january 15th to make sure they are on the same page and the benefit i see here is that the constituent out here are hearing two different story and is so i want to make sure that they get the same story and so i make a most to continue this item to january 15th. seconded by supervisor farrell, colleagues you may do that without objection january 15th. >> we want skip over our three prime minister special orders
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and our 4:00 p.m. special orders and has had to our committee records which start on page 19. mr. clerk if you could read items 44 through 48. items 44 through 48 is a motion conforming the mayor's appointment toeliot to the committee infrastructure state one. and 45 conform get the mayor's appointment to marlee to the commission of community investment and friction is mayor's appointment of kristine johnson, and forty seven is a motion concerning the appointment of most row exactly less and 48 to the motion conforming the mayor's appointment of to the commission of community investment and structure.
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>> colleaguing can we take these items in house in call. mr. clack read items 49. item 49 on monday december 12th 2012 and referred to the board as a committee report and so resolution granting revokable trust to occupy a port portion of the right of way to a portion of the city owned concrete ramp level provide nuclear access to the a proposed new access of the garage at 44 eaive. >> i have sponsored this item on behalf of the item but i would like to refer to supervisor campos total disposal of the item. thank you for support son coring this item on the department of public works and i would like to accepted this back to committee for consideration and it's not because of any questions about the merits or the merits of the project. but
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it's simply in terms of process, we learned that the t p w final engineering determination was not received by the neighbors about about four days ago and so we want to have a better process in terms of giving the numbers of the public an at any time to provide input on this and so with that in mind, i hereby make a motion to send this back to committee. >> supervisor campos has made a motion to send this back to committee and seconded by supervisor mar and colleagues if we could do that without objection we can send seasoned that back to the committee. >> student: roll call. supervisor first on roll call is supervisor chu. >> thank you very much i have simply one item to introduces it's an item that would require that all public work construction works contract under chapter six include a pro
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vision that requires all prime calendars to pay subtractors within seven days of city and we have been working with local business and is trying to make sure that we have better process for them and that they are able to receive payment when they have adequately completed their work and this is something modeled out-of-state law and stat law has pro vision visions like this that took effect this year and we hope that will make a difference for local sub contractors. supervisor wiener?. >> supervisor cohen? thank you. i do have one item today
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in in memoryium, i ask that the board close out the meeting in memory of mr. bradford he was the first african america meal after the san francisco sheriff's department and he was born in blight california and came to san francisco in 1955 he seived regularly in the united states army and korean war and is the father of three children two sons and one dear and i send my condole lenses out to his family he was one of my sunday schoolteachers growing up and brang donuts holes to class and making the subject matter very interesting and enjoyable and i grew up with his grandchildren and it's a great loss that san francisco has suffered in losing mr. bradford and so iggs again
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colleagues i hope to close out the board in his memory and this is the memory of mr. bradford. >> thank you ms. cohen. mr. chu. >>? mr. campos, thank you mr. clerk i have a numb of number of items and the first is authorizing the-off real estate for 17th and folsome street park project and i also have a memoriam for man we will spain rod drying guess and he was one of the district's most colorful andby loved artist and is with robert crumb influenced generations of cartoonists and not only in the mission but throughout the city and born in new york to an italian artist
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mother mr. rod drying guess dropped his first name in favor of spain passionate about his latino heritage created murals with crumb in the late 1960's and 70s, in in addition, to zap economics his works include biographygraphy and dark hotel online graphic novellings, spain was working on a graphic story for the 2004 san francisco hotel workers strike, so, we would like to ask that we adjourn the meeting today in his memory. i also have another item as you know as a city, we have been working with other cities to deal with the issue of homelessness within our veteran
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population. we have been involved with the hundred days campaign to house veterans in 2012. president obama established a goal to end veteran's homelessness by 2015 which i think is doable and the department of housing and urban development came together to establish the hud slash veterans housing program which, is models after section eight and san francisco has received 500 of the vouchers to date. we have learned that our chronically homeless veterans were having a difficult time finding apartments in the private marked in fact many veterans have had vouchers issued in 1212 and so what we have here is a situation where we have a federal agency, the mayor's office and housing
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authority and human services agency who have focused to encourage private landlords to provide housing for these veteran and is a few months ago one of those landlords the owner of 2524 mission street came forward to offer to least his 33 stew apartments which are above the restaurant on joule which, is now the -- restaurant to least those apartments to veterans who have those vouchers and i think for those of us who really see the need to address this issue this is a very exciting possibility. you know the idea is that we would have a process that actually allows these veterans who have dedicated so much to this
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country to have housing that is it's really important. my office has been working with the director for the city former supervisor name to move this forward so that those units can be made valuable to those veterans here in san francisco and so to make that happen i'm asking the city attorney to help draft legislation that will allow a toursist hotel like the one i'm talking about to use those units for residential purpose for homeless veteran and is then create a mechanism so that down the road, it can be existing use at the tourist hotel and there is a planning code in which acceptions were made recognizing the importance of actually dealing with the needs of these veteran and is we are also making sure that we are working with the affordable housing and low increase communities to make sure at
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that it's consistent with the other policies that we have in place and again we continue to work closely with the mayor's office i hope that has led this effort and negotiate with the landlords about this possibility and i also note that yesterday, the federal government i announced that san francisco has reduced homelessness among our veterans by 60% since twee 11 and even though that is something to be proud of, i think we can do more in this effort, i think we should move in that direction. and the next item that i have is something that i mentioned last week much has been said recently about the housing authority but i wanted to make sure that as we discuss what is happening with that agency, that we go back to focusing on how this agency is fuelly serving the needs of it's
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residents. so i am introducing a motion directing the budget and legislative nillists to conduct a performance on it of the san francisco housing authority and making that audit a priority and this will be a motion that would ensure a focus on compliance with all complicate federal state and local laws on the effectiveness of the governance of the agency and it will look all the financial over site and controls and status of implementations and prior recommendation and is other prior audits and recommendation that is have been made and i would also look at the other management and public housing resource and is including housing provided by section eight voucher and is as well as housing managed by other agencies and nonprofit corporation and is it will also look at the management and the
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ofl performance of agency personnel and we will look at how this agency compares in terms of best practices with other agencies not on in the region but nationally and so i want to thank the following members of the board for their co sponsorship. supervisor avalos, supervisor mar and supervisor a wonk walky. and the last point that i would make because i was pope hoping that is something that would be ri solved by the time we got to our last board meeting much has been set said in the press about charlie the doing that attacked a horse in a doing bleach area and i don't know the specifics all of the details of the case but i would hope that we find a way of addressing the public safety concerns implcated and
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still saving the life of this animal i think it may be possible to strike that balance and i hope that happens the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor. supervisor mar? thank you mr. clerk, i have several items the first in the hearing on the m ta state of compress suppress busker and is service plans right now there are 18 peak hours express lines in san francisco serving 30,000 writers a day and of these six lines six serve 13,000 richmond district residents and these provides speed for commuter and is however the express routes have become just as crowded as the rest of the system and there will be new rider ship demands i'm doling calling for this hearing to hear updates from the m ta and from the transit
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effective please project and any probably changes and emerging system need and i look forward to meeting with the m ta and others on this body and i welcome my colleagues to take part in this meeting we'll and i'm calling a hearing on the san francisco public urea tilities commission and out door tap water filling station for years the p uc has worked to educate residents to drink tap water it cost less than half a pen where he per gallon and is quality tested every year and highly regulated bodily the e.p.a. and furthermore the e pc is work to go install -- throughout the city and we are starting to see some major improvements the city has installed 11 water bottle filling stations to date and there are important reasons to
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promote tap water it's better for the environment is it saves residents money and cuts down on the sugary consumption of beverages as well. and i also want to invite residents that i'm hold be coffee hours on ole gai ass cafe on the outer rich mopped and then my evening hours have a bear with me at steins on clement street and eight avenue near the old colosseum theater and on sat i'll be joining with the justice committee commemorating the 75th anniversary of the terrible tragedy 75 year ago at the chinese cultural center. the rest i'll submit. >> thank you mr. avalos.
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>> colleague i have one item for intrusion today it's an ordinance that would require the wick epipark commission to hold information hearing on permit complications for large scale multiday events in our parks only this will help the lincoln's park outreach around these expeftsz promote public trust and this ordinance would not effect outside lands what this ordinance would basket would be required for event that occupy 25% or more of the area of the park for longer than 48 hours and so outside land is only a small portion of the entire golden gate park and i imagine that the park has it's own process for lock @out and supervising outside events as they look forward to the progresses on this staging.
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and the park is not over allowing and or denying applications it's similarly providing informational hearing i believe when we decide to use a proposition of our park a public venue the public should be able to express their concerns or may have ideas about how events can be samed and setup and this will allow that to happen and we also have at times like we did for the detour event, closuresures of streets and we also want to have for whatever park events include any street colorsures that it has got -- it will be part of any hearing commission. and so as we move forward with this ordinance in place that we will have a public process to
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hear about large scale hearing process.. >> supervisor kim requested to be rereferred. >> thank you i also want to end this meeting in the memory of sergeant -- at the age of 44 passed away of a sudden heart attack and he has been with the fraction police station with the last 44 years and he started why 1998 and at the southern station and baby station ask is also a former army range gear injury and worked everyday possible in the tender loin area and new the neighborhood very well and as i have gone to the events in the tender loin his loss is truly felt throughout the community and the community protects the dem commitment he had in protecting the neighborhood and
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the time he took to get to know individuals and children. his three children. samuel and elizabeth and sisters kim and tan hng and brothers peter and michael west brook and thomas was born on april 6th 1968 in vietnam and served in the armed forces as i mentioned and was a san francisco police officer for the past 15 years and a viewing will be held at holts walnut creek chapel and a funeral mass will be held at st. maries catholic church in walnut creek as well and in the new year the police station will be fundraising for his memorial for
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his family who suddenly lost their husband and family. . >> and the rest, i submit. >> colleagues let's go to our three prime minister special orders and start with the items related to the central subway. >> clerk please call items 37 and-38. >> item thyroid is imminent domain expense project and item 28 is the temple construction license for the public purpose of constructing the central subway for one stock ton street and item 29 is the resolution authors thorgz the acquisition for -- item three is resolution authorizing for 19 stock ton street and item 32 is
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authorizing the acquisition for 3232 stock ton street and stomach 34 is the authorizing the resident luxe of 250 fourth street. item 35 is resolution authorizing the resolution of 39 stock ton street. and 801 market street. item 37 is acquisition of 39 stock ton street and item 38 is resident luxe authorizing the 950 stock ton street. thank you we now can as a hold authorize by imminent domain and then built on these resolution and is specifically to allow temporary construction licenses to one stock ton. and 19 stock ton, 212 stock ton. 254th street.
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thirty-ninth strobing ton.ion market and 950 stock ton street and the san francisco municipal transportation agency seeks to acquire these temple licenses for the steenings of light rail in san francisco using funds appropriated for that program and in this hearing the board will reshovel solve whether the central subway street central project is planned or locate countied in the manner that is for the greatest public good and least private injury and whether the temporary irrare construction licenses sought to be acquired are necessary for the light rail extension project and whether the city has made the necessary offers to purchase the necessary licenses forth from the properties for just compensation required under state law. and in addition, if
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adopted resident lukes we will make general plan consistency findings in connection with these acquisition and is under state law the board had you pass the resolutions by at least eight votes. s m t oowill have 15 minutes for support of the resolutions and the temp construction license by 'em continent domain members of the public shall have up to two minutes to speak, each of the property oners may have time to speak -- two minutes to speak and then the s m ta shall have up to two minutes for rebut ailingal unless there any questions on what i have stated thus far is ask the s m ta to make the initial presentation.. >> good afternoon president
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chief supervisors my name is john cooing began the central subway program drear the action before you today will assists u.s. us in obtaining obtaining licenses that protect buildings adjacent to the project and with thin -- installation of interior and interior monitoring equipment on the buildings. this operation is performed in the city right of way and all work that the work will density and improve the soil conditions underneath the buildings and not of course, the operations of the buildings and should -- be detected duress the course of the project the s fm ta will be able to use the gouts to -- the probability has successfully
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acquired the off street properties and easesments to construct the property thus far and has successfully acquired all but right of the temporary construction licenses we are seek this resident luxe to avoid delays to the project schedule and your action today will hal low the project to continue these negotiations without jeopardizing the project schedule i have a brief presentation on the project and to show you how the grouting tools will be stoled installed to protect the buildings central subway is a 1.5-mile extension of the t line providing improved transportation services for 60% of the people that live adjacent to the april line want and have no other form of transportation